Saturday, March 31, 2018

Another Ad – More of the Same Crazy Patchwork Stitches

Another Ad – More of the Same Crazy Patchwork Stitches

I noticed the similarities between the Durkee’s Select Spices ad and the Sapolio ad from 1886 – see blog posting

The layout and artwork of the colored crazy patchwork sample were very much alike.  In further comparisons, many of the stitch designs are the same, just presented differently.  Below is the text from the center of the Durkee stitches page – a very good description on how to make a crazy patchwork.  It is close to the text on the Sapolio ad, but slightly different.  The two ads were probably designed by the same ad firm/artist.  Both were used for a nationally know product as a complimentary give-away for a store selling those products – a dry goods store and a grocery store.   Interesting to note – both companies warned buyers to “beware of all imitations” in many of their print ads.

Suggestions and Directions to aid in making CRAZY PATCHWORK.
     Putting together irregular pieces of differently colored satin, silk, plush, velvet, ribbon, etc., in odd and original designs, by silk thread of assorted colors, is what us called Crazy Patchwork.  In the, Fancy can have the greatest freedom in the way of decoration, and Imagination allowed full play in working designs on the patches with the needle.  Judgement, however, should always be displayed in harmonizing colors and arranging pieces, so as not to have a very light piece join one very dark in color.  Good taste displayed in this respect will make the work more effective when completed.
     Muslin is generally used as a foundation for patchwork.  The pieces should be matched as nearly as possible, turned under at the edges, then sewed together, and also to the foundation by invisible stitches.  Fancy stitches of various designs and colors (always in contrast to the pieces worked on,) should then be run across and along the lines where the pieces join together.  The more marked the contrast, and the greater the variety of colors displayed, the greater the beauty of the work when completed.
     Large pieces, such as quilts, etc., can be worked with more ease if they are arranged in squares of about twelve inches.  These can be joined together, and wide borders of satin, velvet or plush put around them, thereby adding to their attractiveness.